Tangent podcasts are tangent. The Random Battles are short mini-shows that will show up in your feed as we discuss one topic at a time. Yes, the do fit into the continuity of the SideQuest.
Today’s Monster: Skyrim. We chat about the game’s art direction (and visual issues), the leveling & perks, and the questing system. We also take on some of your Twitter comments and questions, and share some midnight launch stories.
Battle Party:
Steven Strom (Lvl 2, 0/3), Jonah Gregory (Lvl 1, 1/3), Dali Dimovski (Lvl 2, 0/3)
How does scoring take place and what does it mean?
For completing a Random Battle, the party member gains XP. For every 3 battles, the player levels up. At the end of the year, the highest level player gets a SideQuesting surprise gift. The XP then resets at the beginning of the next year.
Final Fantasy VI – Battle Theme, Victory Fanfare – Nobuo Uematsu
[box_light]Get Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim now for your Xbox 360, PS3, or PC![/box_light]
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