Thanks to some intrepid Skyrim fans, the great 4th wall has been broken: We can now take Skyrim with us into the bathroom.
Well, sort of. The folks at capane.us have taken the in-game books of the latest Elder Scrolls adventure and made them available in Kindle and ePub format for use on your iPad, iPhone, and… well, Kindle, naturally. You SHOULD own a copy of Skyrim to even consider grabbing these [and we’re no quite sure just how ethical it is, either], but if you’ve made it down to this sentence then we think you’ve already got that covered, maybe even several times over.
To get this on your iDevice just surf to their post via your iPhone or iPad, click the ePub link, and the books automatically install into your iBooks bookcase. Technology!
It’s a fantastic feat, and one that we can celebrate with leftover turkeys and dragon eggs this holiday weekend.
Click here for the books: capane.us
Thanks, tipsters!
[box_dark]And please support us by completing your collection! Pick up Skyrim on sale today, and a Kindle (also on sale) to match![/box_dark]