We’re sure by now that you’ve entered our E3 predictions contest and you’ve made some interesting picks. Well, now it’s our turn to try and make some predictions, with hopes to win a new LIMITED SideQuesting T-Shirt.
Below you’ll find the staff predictions for what will happen during E3’s Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo press conferences. How do they rank against your picks?
T. Michael Murdock
Safe Bet Prediction (3 Points)
Rage release date
The Reveals (2 Points each)
Wii 2 HD
A New Kingdom Hearts game
Halo: Combat REevolved (the remake of Halo 1)
Final Fantasy XV
Something to do with Half-Life
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 points)
Not only will Sony announce a new console, but they will also graciously set a release date for the Playstation Store to once again open it’s doors to its adoring public, so they can FINALLY download all those games they already have. They will also announce another handful of games they’re giving away free for the situation they’ve caused. None of those games will be fun. Also, the Playstation 4 will have built-in Move sensors, if only to fuck with the people that bought the magic wands.
Doug Lang
Safe Bet Prediction (3 points)
NGP Price Point will be 349.99, not out this year.
The Reveals (2 points each)
New Legend of Zelda Announced for 3DS
Halo 1 and 2 HD remake
New IP from MS , not targeted at core gamer, for Kinect
Loz: Skyward Sword pushed to the new Nintendo Console, a la Twlight Princess
Mario 3DS out for Christmas
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 points)
MS announces dedicated portable gaming device, similar to the Sony Android phone that no one understands
Erron Kelly
Safe Bets (3 points)
Nintendo shows off a playable Skyward Sword
Reveals (2 Points each)
Dance Central 2
Respawn announce their new game
New Super Mario Bros for 3DS shown off
Torchlight MMO shown off
Tekken x Street Fighter revealed (note: it’s the sister game, SF x Tekken that has all the videos and such out)
Insanity (5 points)
Zynga and Microsoft announce a partnership, bringing social games to the Xbox 360
Aaron Kirchhoff
Safe Bet (3 Points)
1) Showing off Nintendo’s new console – aka Project Cafe
Reveals (2 Points each)
1) Halo 1 remake … w/ optional Kinect functionality
2) Handheld Microsoft console
3) Some kind of online infrastructure similar to MS’s or Sony’s model for Nintendo’s next console (i.e. – no more friend codes)
4) Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still coming!
5) Xbox LIVE 100 friend limit lifted in next update
Crazy Shit (5 Points)
1) Nintendo’s Project Cafe doesn’t use motion control
Alex Rubens
Safe Bet (3 Points)
Microsoft will show some Kinect Games
The Reveals (2 Points each)
New “New Super Mario Brothers” game on Nintendo’s new console
New Splinter Cell game
GTA V will be shown in some capacity
Sequels to Kinect Launch games (Dance Central 2, Kinect Sports 2, Kinect Adventures 2)
New game in the Rock Band Franchise.
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 Points)
NGP will be under $300 and out in fiscal year 2011.
Jonathan Kehoe
Safe Bet Prediction (3 points)
1) MarioKart 3DS with full online play by Fall 2011.
The Reveals (2 points each)
1) Alan Wake Complete/Expanded/Motion Controlled Edition on 360/PS3/Nintendo Café
2) Grand Theft Auto 5 on 360/PS3/Nintendo Café
3) New Retro Studios game for Nintendo Café
4) NGP priced at $350 US
5) 3DS price drop
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 points)
1) Bungie announces new IP for Nintendo Café and helping to manage online play on Nintendo platforms.
Dali Dimovski
Safe Bet Prediction (3 points)
– Zelda: Skyward Sword will be released this year… FOR SURE
The Reveals (2 points each)
– Sequels to Kinect launch games (Dance Central 2, Kinect Sports 2)
– Modern Warfare 3 timed-exclusive maps for Xbox 360
– More Steam integration will be announced for PS3, potentially with other games in the Steam library
– Classic multiplayer Nintendo series will be revived for Fall release, whether it’s a new Kirby game, Mario Party or something similar
– Gears of War Kinect game will be a downloadable game
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 points)
– Microsoft will debut a new gaming platform, possibly a tablet-device that links to the Xbox in more ways than just Live (like OnLive, maybe)
Ryan Gan
Safe Bet (3 Points)
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade playable
Reveals (2 Points each)
– New Quantic Dream game announced for PS3
– Nintendo announces new Metroid for 3DS, Pikmin game
– Halo: CE remake goes from rumor to confirmed
– XBL friends list limit increased
– Skyward Sword delayed
Balls to the Wall Crazy Ass Announcement (5 points)
-New Xbox console announced, not playable
Steven Strom
Safe Bet Prediction (3 points)
Sony drops the prices of the current PSPs
Reveals (2 points each)
Halo Wars 2 being developed by Robot
New Star Fox game with multiplayer component
New Oddworld game by Just Add Water; trailer
Gears of War spin-off announced
CCP’s Dust 514 exclusive to Playstation 3
The Balls to the Wall Crazy-Ass Announcement (5 points)
Sony announces and shows off a new user interface or XMB for Playstation 3’s.
Somehow connected to the user interface of the NGP which will not actually be called
the Vita.
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