Turbo: A Video Game Movie

Yes, I know. We just posted about Zombieland.  However, where Zombieland was LIKE a videogame, this is ABOUT one.  The video you see above is of TURBO, a movie created by USC graduate Jarrett Lee Conaway for his thesis for a little less than $100k.

The film stars Hugo, a kid who’s only escape in life is to play a sweet 4D game named Super Turbo Arena.  (Note: No idea when the Hyper Fighting Remix version of the game is going to be released, but we hear that Capcom has something up its sleeve.)  When Pharaoh King, the ultimate Turbo champ, decides to host a tournament for others to join his team Hugo quickly enters.  The majority of the flick is taken up through fights/battles within the game.  And magic ensues.

An interesting movie to watch and while not the greatest piece of cinema out there, at least the short 23 minutes or so of this film are far better than any within the Legend of Chun Li.

[Turbo: The Movie homepage]