The SideQuest Episode #106: E3 Celebrity Watch

Welcome to the SideQuest, your semi-weekly podcast devoted to gaming, culture, and gaming culture, with the occasional tangent.

Dali is back from E3, sharing his celebrity sightings and inspirational run-ins with the likes of those that aspiring gamers and game journalists…. aspire to be like.  It was inspiring.

Actually, after Yaniv leaves the podcast kinda goes downhill fast.  We get coughing, decisions about going to E3 on a budget, and California Pizza Kitchen.

Yaniv, Dali, Ryan

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Intro – Main Finger – Disco Link Returns
Outro – The Bub Bard – Desperate Love

Various music throughout podcast from Main Finger’s “Mode 7” and “Some Assembly Required” albums

Finally, please subscribe and rate us in iTunes:
