Skylanders Academy has only been out for a couple of weeks now, and it’s already one of the best video games turned cartoons ever made.
The show, which was announced earlier this year and just debuted on Netflix, features the characters from the toys to life series as they battle Kaos in weekly stories. Skylanders aren’t necessarily memorable characters in the games, but the show does an excellent job of giving them likable personalities. It focuses on Spyro, a sort of frat boy in the Academy. He’s essentially “the Chosen One”, found and raised by Master Eon to help defend Skylands. The Academy itself teaches Skylanders to be heroes, eventually letting them “graduate” into its defense force. Spyro starts off the series as an entitled brat, eventually coming into his own and understanding his role in the greater battle.
After watching the series, I’ve realized the show does way more to give depth to the IP than the games or comics ever did. Stealth Elf seems to always be shoved into the game boxes and ends up in a “never use” pile in my home, but she’s much more intriguing now thanks to her characterization. Spyro himself was just a dragon in the game, but he’s the energetic star here. Perhaps the only characters that manage to work well in both the game and show are Kaos and Glumshanks, whose voice actors made the transition well from game to animated series thanks to having a lot to say in both.
The show manages to mix in elements from all of its game iterations, from the original even all the way to the SuperChargers vehicles. It’s a neat way to tie everything together under a bow, and makes me more interested to check out Imaginators. With the series already confirmed for a second season, here’s hoping that future games capitalize on how well executed the characters are here, and bring their personalities into playable form.
Skylanders Academy is currently playing on Netflix. Some people have already ripped episodes and put them on YouTube, but that’s neither here nor there. Watch at your own risk.
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