I’m a sucker for great game concept art. The amount of talent that’s needed to create a vision sketch for what a game will be is immense — capturing the theme of an entire game or scene in one shot is a task that few can actually achieve. The FZD School of Design, out of Singapore, continues to baffle me by pushing out talent that creates epic concept art on a daily basis.
Case in point: founder Feng Zhu has posted his latest Photoshop tutorial in which he takes a scene from seminal nineties hit Flashback and reinterprets it in 2.5D. He nails the mix of plant life and technology, and focusing on how the lighting laps along the scene he’s able to capture the atmosphere of what a “modern” Flashback game could look like. If you have Photoshop and a Wacom tablet, play along.
[Image via FZD School]
UPDATE: Well that was fast. Either Feng Zhu is from the future, or Ubisoft works at the speed of light. Flashback Origins is coming to download networks this year. DOPE.
[Source: Gameblog.fr via NeoGAF]
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